Saturday, November 27, 2010

BRUTAL HALLOWEEN - October 30th, Saturday - Szczecin, Poland @ DK Slowianin

After 2 day offs and sleeping at a gas station in the polish boarder (The van was smeling like an abandoned tiger´s jail after that or similar, like a monkey´s ass... well as you prefer) we went to DK Slowianin in Szczecin.
For us, this concert was one of most expected in the whole tour. I don´t know why but maybe by the emotion of doing a concert in a country that have great bands such as Vader, Behemoth, Decapitated, Hate .... and it´s the country where we sent our cd to be mixed and mastered.
ok ok, a lot of reasons.

We were received by Piotr, the organizer, that surprised us: He was going to play that night too with his death metal project. (Dark Project) - Yeahhh man, keep rocking!!!

The audience was going insane that night - and we loved it!

In the Khrophus gig a guy stole the singer´s microphone and started to scream something in polish, in our gig a guy lost his boots up on the stage ahahahaha All audience was trying to break the barrier between the stage and the public. That is, people was really enjoying the concerts!!!

This night was very good for both bands, Khrophus and itSELF. We sold a lot of merchandise!
The higher point of that was a man, with his 50-60 years old, counting a lot of coins to see if he could get 2 cds and 2 t-shirts. After 15min counting, he throwed all coins over the table and said with a pity´s face: "ohhh that´s all I got... can I get it even with less money?"
Yes we got touched and sold to him =)

Well, time to sleep after drinking good polish beer but this time we went to a military hotel. (Yeahhh I was getting tired of sleeping in a gas station)
We spent 3 days there cause our next gig would be just on tuesday and we were needing rest cause the next week would be very stressing - 6 shows without any dayoff.
We felt as we were at home. Rafal, the good friend that we made there, handled everything we need, giving us the best confort he could offer. Also he gave us special gifts from the time he went to Iraq as a soldier. Thanks a lot dude :)

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